Saturday 14 March 2015

Production Logo Research

My media group are edging ever closer too making our production logo. We have decided that it would be good if we looked at others production logos to gain inspiration from it and too see what their effect has on their audience members.

Whenever you see the Universal logo it is instantly recognisable and automatically associated with big name films. This would be good to use in a film that has the genre of sci-fi because of the globe in the middle. This type of  production logo wouldn't work for our media production because we are wanting to base ours on our thriller if its possible and this production logo is a bit too generic.

This production logo would really fit with our thriller film and we could definitely use this as inspiration when making ours. The dark background that looks like it has scratches on the background make it feel like it has an eerie feel about it and the plant pot could distract the audience into a false sense of security. I will definitely be keeping this production logo in mind when we make ours.
The Strada Film production logo is very simplistic but could have an impact on their audience, the logo looks like its a dark road and the blue and white colours are instantly recognisable with thriller films and I would associate this logo with the thriller genre. I really like how this logo is very simple but really set their audience up for knowing what the film could be about.
From the  research I have done on production logos I will be keeping in mind  Strada Films production logo and Grow Production because they really relate to what my thriller is about and give the genres of the films they produce to the audience and this makes them recognisable in certain  fields of media.


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